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Curriculum Intent

Geography at Grace academy Coventry will provide students with a wide range of geographical knowledge. Students are given the opportunity to develop ideas and make informed judgements. Students are able to recognise the differences and dynamics in cultures, economies, landscapes and environments across the world ,and the links between them. Students are encouraged to be inquisitive explorers. 

Through the study of both physical and human Geography, students can explore their own sense of place and space. Students will have the opportunity for extra-curricular learning whereby they can visit and explore destinations enabling them to apply powerful knowledge that they can relay back to their classroom learning. Students will have the opportunity to carry out fieldwork which will allow them to gain first-hand, practical experiences which support and reinforce knowledge, skills and concepts explored in the classroom. 

Our curriculum will prepare students to access both Post 16 and Higher Education opportunities showing their limitless potential. They will have relevant and meaningful knowledge to access the growing geographical and technological sectors, building on the values and understanding learned through Geography at Grace Academy. 

This term, we are studying…



Why this? Why now?

Year 7

What are the key features of rivers?

  • Understanding the river journey in a drainage Basin
  • What is a long profile?
  • Types of landforms formed by rivers.




Weather and Climate

Students will continue their work from the last half-term on Rivers and the journey of a river through the drainage basin.

Students will also explore how rivers are formed, how they help to shape our landscape and the problems that can be caused by them. They will also assess how rivers can be managed through two case studies.   


Students will move on to focus on patterns and processes associated with weather and climate and the differences between these. Pupils are encouraged to work together to develop an understanding of the principles of weather and climate and the features of weather systems – depressions and anticyclones. In carrying out these activities they engage in enquiry-based learning, interpret weather maps and satellite images. 

Year 8


  • Understanding the types of waves (Constructive and Destructive)
  • Impacts of the coasts on people and environments in coastal regions

Students explores the meaning of waves and how waves are formed. Students develops their understanding of the processes of erosion, deposition and transportation, building on Unit 5 in Year 7, but now applied to a coastal context. The unit provides opportunities for pupils to consider different points of view regarding coastal management and to become decision makers and debate whether to defend areas of coastline.

Pupils will be provided with further opportunities to interpret a variety of maps, photographs and satellite images at different scales to understand the formation of key coastal features and to consider how the position of the coastline may change over time.

Year 9

Global Energy usage and distributions.

  • What are the types of energy sources?
  • What does the future hold for energy?










  • How are landforms created from tectonic events?
  • What are the impacts of tectonic events on humans and the environment?

Student will focus on the topical issue of energy, with an opportunity for pupils to consider how the energy mix is changing and how this will continue to diversify in the future.

Pupils will investigate the factors behind the uneven consumption of energy worldwide and how this is influenced, to some extent, by a countries level of development. Pupil’s will link their learning to the ‘Climate Change’ unit, showing an understanding of the possible impacts, on a global scale, of continuing to use non-renewable energy sources. At the same time, they will appreciate that there are still limitations regarding renewable/ alternative energies.

Pupils will conclude the unit by focusing on energy production in a country, assessing the impacts of this production socially, economically and environmentally.


Students develop their knowledge of tectonic events and landforms and the processes which create them. Students will evaluate the issues surrounding monitoring, predicting and preparing for tectonic events. Pupils gain depth of understanding by investigating comparisons, e.g. between different types and locations of volcano, and/or volcanoes and earthquakes.

This unit provides an opportunity to build on pupil understanding of development through the investigation of the differing impact of volcanoes and earthquakes of countries at different stages of development.

Year 10

Development Dynamics








UK Physical and Human Landscapes (Fieldwork) Birmingham

Students are continuing their study (as part of Paper One) of Development Dynamics by focusing on India as an example of different forms of development. This includes understanding the local context of India, the impact of globalisation and the negative effects on India of development such as on the environment. The increasing significance of India on a global scale will also be assessed.


To further enhance students learning, a local case study (Birmingham) will be studied to develop knowledge on reasons for development in Birmingham and the role of regeneration in the city’s development. A physical feature (River) will also be a focus for students. The different courses of the river will be studied, so students can note the different landforms formed at each course.

Year 11

Examination Revision

As Year 11 have studied topic 1 to 9 in a different order, Students continue revision and personal study plans in order of paper one, two and three. These revision sessions include understanding the context of climate, tectonics and challenges of urban world. Students will also address paper two topics such as the physical landscape in UK. Students conclude revision by studying the topic on people and environmental issues which includes people and the biosphere, forests under threat and consuming energy.

Qualification information:

Curriculum content:

Attached are the curriculum maps which outline the sequence we use in order to structure our learning. If you would like to support your child's learning, we have attached links to Oak National Academy who provide lessons, activities and resources for commonly taught topics. Please use the curriculum map for this subject before visiting:

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by mistake


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances