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Curriculum Intent

Computing is constantly evolving and is essential to the way we live and work. At Grace Academy Coventry we strongly believe that ICT capability is essential if students are to make effective use of modern technology and enhance learning in all subject areas and subsequently later, in the wider world of work. Our curriculum will provide and empower students with additional skills and knowledge to become digitally literate and be suitable candidates for the workforce and active participants in a digital world.

Students are encouraged to use lateral and logical thinking, alongside learning programming and coding skills.

We currently offer a KS3 curriculum which focuses upon computational thinking, ICT-related issues and other areas of the National Curriculum. In KS4, students are able to focus upon digital iMedia, with KS4 computing planned for first delivery in September 2022.

This term, we are studying...



Why this? Why now?

Year 7














Year 8
















Year 9










Year 10 Computer Science














Year 10 IMEDIA

















Year 11 Computer Science








Year 11 IMEDIA

TERM 3.1: Programming with EduBlocks














TERM 3.1 – Computer Systems
















Term 3.1: Python Programming












TERM 3.1 - Systems Software















TERM 3.1 – R094: Visual Identity Controlled Assessment & R096 Animation with Audio

















TERM 3.1 – Programming languages and IDE’s










Term 3.1 - R093 Revision



This unit is the first programming unit of KS3. The aim of this unit is to build learners’ confidence and knowledge of the key programming constructs.

The main programming concepts covered in this unit are sequencing, variables, selection, and count-controlled iteration.


This unit will provide students with the opportunity to start their coding journeys using a block-based programming language, which will act as a stepping-stone to a text-written programming language. This unit will also enable learners to retrieve previous knowledge gained in the computational thinking topic to build sequenced programs and algorithms.




Learning about computer systems is important because it helps students understand how computers work. This unit explores different types of computers such as embedded and general-purpose computers. This lays the foundation for more advanced studies into the topic at KS4.


This unit gives students an overview of how computers are used in various ways. It also relates to inputs and outputs which students may have studied in KS2. Understanding hardware and software is crucial in consolidating this knowledge as it connects their programming skills built in previous units to the broader picture of how computers impact our daily lives.




Exploring variables, arithmetic operators, lists and selection in Python lays the foundation for more complex coding tasks. These concepts are fundamental building blocks in programming, enabling students to create interactive applications. Learning Python is a valuable skill with applications in various fields, from web development to data science, making this unit essential for their continued growth in computer science.



Having explored web development and graphics, students are now equipped with practical insights into how programming can be applied in real-world scenarios. Learning about variables, arithmetic operators and lists builds upon their earlier programming experiences, providing a deeper understanding of coding principles.



The aim of this unit is to provide learners with an insight into the software that makes a computer system work, learners will focus on the purpose of operating systems, the need for application software and the importance of utility software.


This unit builds on the systems architecture unit that was covered in term 1.1 where students learned about the hardware components that make up a computer system. Students will now be able to build on that knowledge by learning how the system software communicates with the hardware in a computer system.





Creating a graphic product based on a client brief mimics a professional scenario, enabling students to apply their knowledge in response to specific client needs. The controlled assessment changes them to think critically, make design decisions, and demonstrate their proficiency in using digital graphic software, all of which are essential skills in the creative and media industry.



Having acquired a foundational understanding of visual identity and graphic design elements, they are now ready to put their skills into practice in a controlled and purposeful setting. The assessment aims to not only evaluate their proficiency with digital graphics, but also prepares them for future creative endeavours requiring a response to a client brief.




In this unit, students will understand the differences between high- and low-level programming languages. They will learn the purpose of translators and the characteristics of compliers/interpreters. Students will also get familiar with the common tools and facilities available in an integrated development environment.



The "Programming languages and IDE’s" topic prepares students for careers in software development, programming, and related fields. It equips them with essential skills in high- and low-level programming languages and proficiency in using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs),





This unit serves as a comprehensive review, consolidating knowledge of key concepts in the media industry. This unit allows students to revisit and reinforce their understanding of essential topics such as the media industry and its various job roles, distribution platforms, pre-production documents, and legal issues.



Effective revision is essential for reinforcing learning, identifying gaps in understanding, and preparing students for the R093 exam. This review unit ensures that students enter their exams with a refreshed and solid grasp of the foundational principles in creative media.



Qualification information:


Curriculum content:

Attached are the curriculum maps which outline the sequence we use in order to structure our learning. If you would like to support your child's learning, we have attached links to Oak National Academy who provide lessons, activities and resources for commonly taught topics. Please use the curriculum map for this subject before visiting:

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by mistake


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances