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19/1/23: Free Travel Passes for Students

Dear Parents/Carers,

Free Travel Passes for Students

We would like to draw your attention to the Local Authority’s policy regarding free travel passes for students. We feel it is important that you are aware of the general entitlement for free travel so you can apply for a free bus pass for your son/daughter, should you meet the criteria.

Below are the details from the Local Authority website regarding general entitlement:

Free transport will be provided for pupils attending the nearest qualifying school at which places are available if the distance from the home address to the school is:

• more than two miles for children aged 5 to 7 years
• more than three miles for children aged 8 to 16

The two-mile limit will also apply to children over the age of 8 from low-income families. If your son/daughter is on free school meals or you are on other benefits you may qualify for this limit.

In each case, this is the shortest walking route between the home address and the school measured by which a child, accompanied as necessary, may walk safely.

If however, you successfully apply for a place for your child at a school that is not the nearest school with places available, you will not qualify for a free travel pass unless you meet the low-income rules.

For more information and to apply for a bus pass please follow the link below:

If you require any further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact our main reception on .

Kind regards,
Mrs E Wheller
Vice Principal

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