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Curriculum Intent

Business develops awareness and equips our young people with the skills and expertise required for the world of work. Their natural curiosity of the business world, economic climate and entrepreneurship helps to reach our goal of preparing our students to be informed citizens. Securing knowledge in business prepares them academically, culturally, mental and morally, which they can then utilise anytime and become independent life-long learners. 

The business department introduces students to the key foundation of business start-up and longer-term management. Students have the opportunity to enhance soft skills, hard skills, current affairs knowledge to access future pathways, and also become analytical thinkers who apply their business knowledge to real life scenarios. 

Our courses meet the needs of our students whilst considering internal and external environmental changes. Our intent is to grow and progress students that can adapt well and are prepared for the challenges ahead. 

This is supported by experiences of exploring real business both locally and globally. Students engage with the increasing demands of the business-related world in which we live, allowing them to become informed and confident consumers, employees, employers and entrepreneurs. 

This term, we are studying… 



Why this? Why now?

Year 10

GCSE Business (9-1)


Theme 1: Investigating small business 

Topic 4: Making the business effective 


1.4.1 The options

for start-up and

small business

1.4.2 Business


1.4.3 The

marketing mix

1.4.4 Business



Topic 1.5 

1.5.1 Business stakeholders 

1.5.2 Technology and business 

1.5.3 Legislation and business 

1.5.4 The economy and business 

1.5.5 External influences 


Why this - Topic 4 

Further investigation of operational areas is carried. The concept of risk is revisited and reinforced by looking at ways of reducing risk e.g. limited liability companies.  Students will understand concepts of liability and how this underpins the spread and reduction of risk for business owners. 

Why now - Topic 4 

Topic 4 builds on Topic 3 and looks at what happens once an entrepreneur has taken the risk to start the business . It begins by studying the importance of ownership .Students then learn about location and how this impacts businesses and the marketing mix element. 

Why this - Topic 5 

Learners need to learn and understand the impacts of the economy and legislation on small businesses. In topic 5 learners will be able to consider how broad types of legislation affect businesses. They will gain an awareness of developments in the wider economy such as unemployment, inflation and exchange rates. 

Why now - Topic 5 

Learners now have a good understanding of the dynamic natures of business, entrepreneurship, spotting business opportunities and what is required to put these opportunities into practice and making them effective. With all this knowledge they are now able to explore the external influences on businesses. 

Year 11



Year 12

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business (360 GLH) 601/7159/5 


Unit 1 - Exploring Businesses


Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign 

(Assessment May 2023) 

Why this - 


Learners study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive.


In this unit, you will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. You will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits. 


Why now - 


This unit is an introductory unit. It is fundamental to, and supports, all other units in the programme. Students  learn real, practical skills for the business world. These include making presentations, completing group tasks, interpreting financial data, producing business documents and responding to tough business decisions, which prepare them for Unit 2, 3 and 8. 


Why this - 

Students will examine the marketing aims and objectives for existing products/services and understand

the importance of relevant, valid and appropriate research in relation to customers’ needs and

wants. They will use given market research data and other information to make recommendations

about the type of marketing campaign that a business should undertake.  This unit is assessed under supervised conditions. 


Why now -  

To complete the

assessment task within this unit, students will need to draw on their learning from across your

programme. They have gained a significant amount of business knowledge from Unit 1 to understand the key principles of business structures to complete a marketing campaign. 

The Part A Research Pack is released to students under low control conditions in the afternoon on the day before the Part B assessment, which will be sat in the morning session. Students have access to Part A for a 2 hour preparation period with the Part B assessment being a 3 hour supervised session. The assessment is set and marked by Pearson

Exam date: 

Part A 

Part B 

Year 13

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business (360 GLH) 601/7159/5 


Unit 8 - Recruitment and selection process 


Why this - 

The unit gives students the opportunity to participate in selection interviews and review their performance. Students will learn that successful recruitment is key to maintaining the success of a business, as people are often considered to be the most valued resource. Students will explore the various selection tools and the enhanced use of technology in this area. Businesses with an effective recruitment process in place are more likely to make successful appointments. In a competitive labour market this is a major advantage and will support business success. This unit gives Students the opportunity, through role play, to take part in selection interviews. They will need to be organised and prepared so that they demonstrate your communication skills in this work-related competence.


Why now - 

As our Year 13 students prepare to complete their final full term with us, they are also preparing for the world of work and higher education which will require them to take part in the recruitment and selection process. This unit will give them a foundation for progression to employment.  Through undertaking recruitment activities the unit will help them to develop the skills needed in an interview situation. Students will have an opportunity to review their individual performance and analyse their skills for development.

Qualification information:

Level 2 BTec (KS4):

GCSE Business (KS4):

Level 3 BTec (Post-16):

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by accident


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances