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Technology and food

Curriculum Intent

At Grace Academy, students receive a Design and Technology and Food curriculum which allows them to build on pre-existing knowledge through creativity, designing and making. Students are taught to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to design and make a product. Skills are taught progressively to ensure that all children are able to learn and practice in order to develop as they progress through the curriculum. Our extra-curricular provision allows students expand on their knowledge and skills giving them the opportunity to apply these in a wider context.

We pride ourselves on having an inclusive department where our schemes of work include a range of culturally influenced projects. We use a range of equipment and machinery to equip students to utilise these when making their products inside or outside of school.

We want our students to be able to use all the knowledge and skills that they have developed through their learning journey in Design and Technology and apply to any career path they wish to take.

This term, we are studying… 

Food Technology



Why this? Why now?

Year 7


Students will be introduced to the food course. 

Year 7’s will have a theory and a practical lesson to provide them with knowledge and experiences with cooking dishes. 

Students will understand the basics of healthy eating.

Year 8


Students are building on their previous knowledge from Year 7 on vitamins and the impact it has on our bodies. 

Further exploring the reactions created between ingredients.

Year 9


Students will be exploring further into the theory of nutrients and proteins. Students will continue to work on their time management within the kitchen to ensure their dishes are completed in their allotted time.

Year 10

Hospitality and Catering

Unit 2 - Mock

Students will be introduced to a relevant scenario from a previous externally set task. 

Students will identify the customers and learn about: 

  • Macro and micronutrients

  • Vitamins and minerals

  • Impacts cooking methods have

  • Factors affecting menu planning

  • How to generate an effective plan production.

Year 11

Controlled coursework assessment and Exam preparation

Students have completed their controlled practical element of their coursework assessment.

Students will be finishing their coursework and moving onto revising for their exam. Using the knowledge, they have learnt previously in year 10.

Design Technology



Why this? Why now?

Year 7

Moroccan Lanterns

Students will continue to construct Moroccan lanterns using the skills they have learnt throughout the project. 

Students will understand the properties of materials and the impact it has on the product. 

Year 8

Identity Speaker Project

After designing, students will evaluate their designs and refine their ideas. 

Students will construct the speaker using a range of materials, understanding their properties. This will help the students understand how the materials will react under different equipment.

Year 9

Concealment Photography

Students will use the knowledge they have learnt on the different softwares to create a final personalised response connecting to the theme. 

This will independently engage the students to problem solve creatively. 

Students will take part in a design technology drop down day in enrichment were they will explore construction and using mechanical items against a design criteria.

Qualification information: 

Food and nutrition:

Resistant materials:

Curriculum content:

Attached are the curriculum maps which outline the sequence we use in order to structure our learning. If you would like to support your child's learning, we have attached links to Oak National Academy who provide lessons, activities and resources for commonly taught topics. Please use the curriculum map for this subject before visiting:

Our Values

We can achieve so much more than we think we can


Success doesn’t happen by accident


Everyone deserves to feel valued and important


Honesty and doing the right thing are what really counts


Life is better with fresh starts and second chances